{toucan url}/Api/createlead/{guid}
Toucan url is the the customers toucan web site url
Guid is the customers Toucan Unique Company Guid
A JSON format should also be passed with in the body of the API call
Name - Lead Company Name (Compulsory)
Sales_Rep_ID - a Rep Code knows to TSA , usually a match from the back-=end ERP software. (Optional, if left blank or omitted then the TSA API default setting is used)
Lead_Status - (Optional, if left blank or omitted then the TSA API default setting is used, usually being Waiting Approval)
Lead_Status - (Optional, if left blank or omitted then the TSA API default setting is used, usually being Website)
Analysis_1- (Optional, in Caliq ERP terms this is usually Category)
Analysis_2- (Optional, in Caliq ERP terms this is usually Segment)
Analysis_3- (Optional, in Caliq ERP terms this is usually Region)