{toucan url}/Api/createlead/{guid}
Toucan url is the the customers toucan web site url
Guid is the customers Toucan Unique Company Guid
A JSON format should also be passed with in the body of the API call
Example: (Post) to https://dev2.toucanreporting.com//Api/createlead/621288e5-5be3-43c2-acc4-fa1b7236a7
Simple Test JSON
{ "Leads": [ { "Lead": { "Name": "Test New Lead Via API" }, "Address": [{ "Address": {}, "Contacts": [{}] }] } ] }
JSON Format to create one or more new Leads
The JSON contains 4 Levels:
Leads where you can pass one or multiple new leads.
Lead containing the actual Lead information like Company Name, etc.
Address containing one or more Lead Addresses
Contacts containing one or more Lead Contacts (Linked to the Address)
All sections are compulsory even if they as not all populated.
The API will return a 200/OK if the Lead was created otherwise return a string of the reasons it failed.
Lead Section
Name - Lead Company Name (Compulsory)
Sales_Rep_ID - a Rep Code knows to TSA , usually from the back-=end ERP software. (Optional, if left blank or omitted then the TSA API default setting is used)
Lead_Status - (Optional, if left blank or omitted then the TSA API default setting is used, usually being Waiting Approval)
Lead_Status - (Optional, if left blank or omitted then the TSA API default setting is used, usually being Website)
Analysis_1- (Optional, in Caliq ERP terms this is usually Category)
Analysis_2- (Optional, in Caliq ERP terms this is usually Segment)
Analysis_3- (Optional, in Caliq ERP terms this is usually Region)
Full JSON Example
{ "Leads": [ { "Lead": { "Name": "API Example Lead A", "Sales_Rep_ID": "REP0004", "Lead_Status": "Waiting Approval", "Lead_Source": "Website", "Analysis_1": "Garden Centre", "Analysis_2": "Tracked", "Analysis_3": "Cambridge" }, "Address": [ { "Address": { "Address_Line_1": "123 Example St", "Address_Line_2": "Address Line 2", "Address_Line_3": "Address Line 3", "Town": "Example Town", "Postcode": "PE28 3BQ", "County": "Herts", "Country": "England" }, "Contacts": [ { "Name": "John Doe", "Email": "john.doe@example.com", "Tel": "123-456-7890", "Mobile": "077-456-7890", "Website": "www.example.com" }, { "Name": "Jane", "Email": "jane.doe@example.com", "Tel": "098-765-4321" } ] } ] } ] }
TSA API Default Setting
In the Toucan Sales Analytics Configuration the following default settings should be populated:
The Company GUID can also be found in Configurations.