Headline Changes
Headline changes since Version
New Customer and Customer/Product Sales Targets and Forecasts
Optimised and sped up adding and editing Interactions
Document Storage
New Document Storage allowing files to be uploaded and stored with in the Customer and Leads
Outstanding Orders -> New Outstanding Sales Orders Chart.
Outstanding Orders -> New Forward Sales Orders by Month By Customer Datagrid.
Customer/Lead Grids
The 'Last Interaction' and 'Next Follow-Up' columns are now hyperlinks, when clicked it will show a pop-up containing details of the previous 'completed' interactions, or future Follow-Ups (pending/overdue interactions).
Added the ability to merge one Lead into another Lead, the source Lead is them marked as deleted.
Power Filters (Including Territory Enquiry)
New Customer/Leads Heat Map
Headline changes between Version and (Summer 2024)
Added Two Factor Authentication (This can be Disabled, Optional or Compulsory)
New Flash Notes (Highlight new promotions etc ) - Theses are shown to Users after they login.
If there are multiple Flash Notes then they will show as individual buttons along the top of the home page.
New Favorites in the System Defaults and User Settings 'Show/Hide Panels' - If a panel is set to a favorites a Yellow Star will show in the Panel
New Territory Enquiry
New menu option to show customer/leads on a Google Map, a faster way than having to create a Power Filter.
Power Filters
New Filters to show customers over a total customer spend of x amount or any customer who has an Individual order/invoice over x amount.
New Trading Filters for HAVE Purchased and have NOT purchased by Date range, Product Group 1, Product Group 2, Stock Item and Sales Channel.
New Trading Variance Filter based on a percentage variance of up or down sales over a defined period.
New Customer Retention Stats Panel & data-grid
New Calls & Visits Profile data-grid showing Calls & Visits by Sales Rep for past x months along with Trading/Lapsed Customer count.
My Highlights & Actions -> New panel showing New Customers, Leads, Message and other notifications along with active call lists.
My Highlights & Actions > Added a new 'Customers have ordered in last 10 months but there are no future Interaction Follow-Ups' clicking the hyperlink will take you to theses customers. (New system setting of 'customer_orders_no_followup_months' and defaults to 10 months)
New Customer/Leads data-grid (hyperlink from panel above), This lists new Customers/Leads along with a Review/Checked button to remove them from your list.
Customer Details
Sales Invoice Patterns have now changed from individual year by year to one line per product for the last 24 months including a new drill down to invoice detail.
Sales Order Patterns have an additional Order Patterns Grid based on the last 24 months including a new drill down to order detail.
Added a new Product Group 1 & 2 Monthly Sales Panels:
Two new data-grids one for Product Group 1 and another for Product Group 2
Shows the last 24 months invoiced sales plus past 12 months totals
Sales are highlighted as green cells so its easy to pick out gaps and sales trends.
The Product Group 1 is highlighted green/grey if the Customers Preferences are set.
Drill down to individual invoice lines showing Product, Invoice Number, Order Number, Qty and Invoice Amount.
Drill down to individual products and their past 24 monthly invoice sales.
The individual products also include the company best sellers and the rankings even if the specific customer has not purchased them.
New Successful field, This is shown in the interactions data-grid and calculated over night setting any Visit Interactions as Successful if the customer has ordered with in x days of the interaction due date.
Create new lead API - For example this could be called from your own web sites Contact Us form and create a new lead instantly in Toucan Sales Analytics.
New Lead 'Waiting Approval' process.
If a successful interaction and it exists in the Diary then the diary label type is updated to Success, This uses Type 99 and should be defined in the Diary Labels Table.
Read All button no longer sets direct User to User messages as Read, user has to do this manually to show its not missed.
New 'Manager Gets All Customer Related Notifications' setting Managers by default will no longer get Customer related notifications.
Introduce data-grid scrolling that allows users to scroll down the grid along with/or instead of grid paging.
Headline changes between Version and (Spring 2024)
Introducing Customer/Lead Deals Feature
Analytics -> Customer Profiles
Customer Gap Analysis - Last 12 Months Sales By Product Group 1&2 when clicking on a 'value cell' a new pop-up data-grid is displayed showing all products in that Analysis group and the customers monthly sales over the last 12 months.
Power Filters
The Custom Filters & Territory Management have now been combined into Power Filters
New Show in Customer Grid Check-Box option (Decides if filter shows in the Customer Grid Combo Box Power Filters)
Item drill down to see individual customer item sales with in:
Analytics -> Product Sales Performance: Calendar Years
Customer Details -> Product Sales History
New show/hide completed interactions checkbox.
The 'Duration' field can now be replaced with an 'End Time' field. (System setting)
Now allows Follow-Ups to be created from a previous Follow-Up
New provisional Order Value field (optional)
When creating a Follow-Up the Address, Contact and Category are now passed and pre-populated.
New Public Diary that can be seen across all TSA Users.
Added the ability to add Appointments directly into the Diary, Independent to Interactions.
Appointments created by Interactions can now have their own label colour assigned.
Diary & iCalendar > If the user settings is set to see "All Sales Rep" now by default no Interaction appointments are shown, before hand the user could have been overwhelmed by everyone's interactions.
New Admin lookup Tables:
Diary Labels
Diary Status
The term 'Lead' can now be renamed to something different (eg. Prospect)
The term Sales Rep can also be renamed to something different. (eg Acc Mgr)
Headline changes between Version and (Autumn/Winter 2023)
Added a new include Dead Leads Check-Box, This defaults to un-checked/hide Dead Status Leads.
New Lead Postcode search (using ideal-postcodes) when adding a new Lead.
Now checks for potential duplicates of existing Customer or Lead when adding a new Lead using a Jaccard distance similarity.
New system system to allow Lead Notes to be disabled/hidden.
Introducing Call Lists.
Create customer interactions from Call Lists.
Customer Grid
New Customer Grid Multiple Layouts
Added additional Daily, Weekly financial sales columns.
(Please note you may see changes in existing column grid show/hide selections and need changing back)
Outstanding Orders -> New Outstanding Orders Line Data-Grid.
New Customer Trading - Now shows customers with a Trading Status of New rather than customers created in the last six months, also added additional sales columns.
New Targets vs Actual Sales data-grid.
Customer Details
Added a new Sales History Chart for past 24 weeks, New buttons to show Weeks or Months.
Product Sales History -> Added Buttons to summarise by Stock Analysis fields.
Product Sales History - Added additional financial sales columns.
New merging of a Lead (Address,Contacts,Notes,Interactions,Emails) into a Customer.
Leads & Custom Filters -> Added Lead Status & Source Filters.
Custom Filters & Territory Management
new Region Filters: Town, County, Post Code and Country.
New (optional) Interaction Category Field.
Due Date grid cell colours are now: No colour for the future, Green=Today, Interactions - Due Date grid cell colours are now: No colour for the future, Green=Today, Yellow=3 days overdue, Red=over 3 days overdue.
System Notifications are now sent to users if a new customer is added or one of their customers Status changes.
New Yearly/Month Targets Maintenance (Setup in Administration)
New Admin lookup Tables:
Interactions Categories.
Lead Status
Lead Source
Call list Status
Call List Results