Lead Import & Export

Lead Import & Export

We have provided some details below about importing Leads in Toucan.

 The first thing to note is that you'll need to define some 'Lead Status' values in TSA which you can assign to the leads when you import them. Lead Statuses that you can assign, please follow these steps:


  • Select 'Administration' from the TSA menu options, followed by selecting 'Lookup Tables'

  • On the Lookup Table dropdown, select 'Lead Status'

  • Click 'New', and in the blank 'Lead Status' field type the new status you want to add for leads. You can create multiple values at a time by clicking 'New' again



  • Once you've added all the 'Lead Status' values you want, click 'Save Changes' in the bottom right of the screen 

  • You can also repeat this process for 'Lead Source' if you want to assign a source to these leads in TSA. 

  • Once you've got the above sorted, you are ready to start uploading Leads. Please follow the steps below:

  • Select 'Leads' from the TSA menu options

  • On the top right of the screen click 'Export Leads', followed by 'Export a Leads Template'



  • When the file downloads, copy the top row of the spreadsheet with the column names and paste it in to a new excel workbook. You only need columns A to AC, as the final 3 are generated by Toucan. 

  • Please note, the column descriptions cannot be changed, or it won't map the data correctly.

  • Paste/type your Lead information in to the correct fields of the file. Ensure that you complete the Lead Status field with values which exactly match the values setup in the Lookup Table above.

  • Save the file when you are finished.

  • To import the Leads, first click 'Import Leads', then at the window click 'Browse' to select the Leads file, and once chosen click 'Import Leads'


  • Once the file has been processed, at the next screen you can review what you've uploaded, and either proceed to 'Import to Leads' or 'Abandon Import'