Flash Notes

Flash Notes

Ability to show Flash/Information Notes to users after they login, if there is just one note it will automatically pop-up and be shown, if there are multiple notes then they are shown as individual buttons along the top of the home page.

Multiple Flash Notes Example:

The grey buttons highlight to the user they have click and read it but selected remind me later.




Displayed Flash Notes Example:

In this example its telling the users/sales reps there is a promotional discount on and the user has the following options:

  • Click a hyperlink that will take them to an external web sites products page

  • Click remind me later

  • Click OK and the note is never shown again.



Administration or Managers Menu > Flash Notes

Only Manager and Admin Users can create Flash Notes and the fields are as follows:

  • Title

  • Display - Enabled (Show to all users), Disabled, Show to Managers Only, Show to Admin Only.

  • Message Box

  • Start & End Dates - The Flash Notes will only show between theses dates.

  • Remind Me Text: (Optional) - If populated then user has a button to click to say they have seen it but remind them again later.

  • Hyperlink Text and URL (Optional) - If populate you can use this to point to an external web site, maybe your own web sites product page etc etc.

  • Action Text: OK, Yes Seen it etc…



You are able to see what users have seen what Flash Notes, what action they took and when by clicking the “Users” hyperlink in the data-grid, for example: