New Grid Scrolling Feature

New Grid Scrolling Feature

*  Excel has a useful feature to freeze the top row in a spreadsheet, so that as you scroll down, the heading row remains in view.

 * We have had users ask for a similar feature in Toucan so we have now implemented two new settings.

 * The first is to enable “Page Scrolling” – this means that when you have a dashboard with a lot of rows – for example a customer’s product sales history dashboard, you can just keep scrolling down and you scroll, the column headers remain in view, making viewing the data a lot easier:



When setting this option, you also set the number of rows you want as the default – ie 100.

 *  The second option is “Continuous Scrolling”.  On opening the dashboard it will return your selected number of rows (ie 50, 100 etc) and when you scroll down and reach this number of rows, you will see “Loading…” and then the next 50 or 100 rows will be displayed.


* To set these options, click on “Settings” on the top right of your Toucan page


The default is to leave the grids as now.  Also set the Page Count to the number of rows: