New Call-To-Action – Customers with No Follow-up Booked

New Call-To-Action – Customers with No Follow-up Booked

  • We are always looking to deliver new calls-to-action – those essential hot tips to read over the first coffee as sales teams plan their day.

  • Toucan Sales Analytics is now empowering more and more businesses and many are developing in-house guidelines to their teams, ensuring that everyone is singing off the same hymn sheet.

“You should not have active customers with no follow-up call or visit booked” is the mantra we hear so this latest call-to-action provides a great prompt.


  • In the example below, we have set a user-defined timeframe to “3 Months”. Toucan looks at every customer who has ordered in the last “n” months, in our case 3, and then checks to see if there is a scheduled call or visit interaction with a date of today or beyond – a follow-up action.

If not, then the customer is included in the count. Simply click on the number and a new browser tab will open listing those customers and their trading data.

  • You may want this ordering timeframe to be 6, 10 or 12 months – it is up to you

  • Sales teams manage large territories and it is very easy to overlook customers that are not frequent buyers. If you are not in regular contact, your competitors may be!

