New Notifications Access

New Notifications Access

*  We have implemented a new way to view important communications that need to be read by users.  These will be updated each time a user returns to the My Analytics page which ensures that these alerts will not be missed.

 *  Five new button displays are provided at the top of the My Analytics – KPIs page:

New Customers

If one or more new customer accounts have been created in your back-office system and assigned to the user, this button will be enabled and on click, the Customers page will be opened, listing the new customers with standard drill-downs.

New Leads

If one or more new leads/prospects have been created/imported and assigned to the user, this button will be enabled and on click, the Leads page will be opened, listing the new leads with standard drill-downs.

 New Messages

This provides access to messages sent from other users.

 Other Notifications

This provides access to information regarding the customers assigned to the user (ie customer status changes - placed on stop or released from stop. Also, for Administrators, you get a list of data exported by users.

 Active Call Lists

If there are active Call Lists running for the user’s customers, this button will highlight the fact and on click, will open up the Call List page.