Integration to Create New Leads from your Website

Integration to Create New Leads from your Website

*  Many of your will have a page on your B2B website where you have a form to complete if you want to apply for an account.

 We have now developed a means for you to inject that “lead” into Toucan Sales Analytics via our API.

 *  That new lead may need checking out before it is (a) qualified as desirable (ie not next door to an existing customer) and (b) assigned to the appropriate rep/agent or indeed House account.

 Usually, the checking process is done by a sales manager/director and as soon it has been approved and assigned, the rep/agent is immediately alerted via the new Notifications buttons on their My Analytics page:



* They then click on this button to view and progress the new lead(s).

 *  Remember:

 ·  You can also import new leads from Excel

·   You can define your own user-defined fields for leads – for example number of years trading, floor space, main interests etc