Customers Multiple Views

Customers Multiple Views

  • We have been busy adding many more columns to the Customers page as a result of ideas from new clients implementing Toucan.

  •  As a result, users are scrolling right a long way so we have developed a means to specify multiple views, each containing the data you need.

  •  You will see the controls for this new feature in the top tool bar – see below:

  • Your current data view is referred to as the “Default” – the one you have selected and Toucan has remembered.

  •  To create a new view – select the + button at the right end of the new controls:

  • This pop-up form will appear – enter a description for your new view – it will be based on your default view, then “Create”.


  • You will now see the Customers page, with your Default view columns but with the new view description in the View control:

  • Now, use the Column Chooser button to remove columns you do not want and add columns you do.  These are saved automatically against the view selected.

  •  Then drag and drop the columns into the sequence you want, left to right, again these will be saved automatically into the new view.

  •  You can create as many new views as you like. Each time you do, you can select any of your already created views to be copied as a start point:

  • Finally, you can use the tool button to rename the currently selected view, delete it or share it with another user – press the tool button: